Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Animal personalities:


Today we are going to see which animal personality you are most like. I will ask a question, and you will keep track of your answers for the end. Okay, lets get started!

1. If a friend were to ask you, " what do you wanna do?" would you want to.....
a. go sky diving     b.  tell jokes to each other
c. Play twister        d. sleep
e. dig wholes          f. have a party

2. Okay, you just got orders to go outside and garden, what is your reaction,

a. Okay,i'm gonna go get dirty!  b. Yupity yup yup!
c. Yes!                                        d. Okay, but can I eat out there?
e. YAAAY SOIL!!!                    f. NO WAY! Too many                                                                         responsibilities 

3. You are going shopping at your favorite store, do you buy....

a. Roller blades                          b. A whoope cushion
c. A gift for your friend             d. food
e. dirt                                          f. a video game

4. What is your motto?

a. YOLO                            b. always SMILE :) 
c. live, laugh, love!            d. be kind to one another
e. always be slimy.             f. you snooze, you lose 

5. someone just said a mean comment to you. What do you say?

a. hey don't EVER say that again!   b. Hahaha.....
c. That hurt my feelings...               d. umm.... okay
e. it's okay, i have my wholes to      f. Well you smell!
           hang with!
Okay! You are done with the quiz. Scroll down to see the results!

 You are a tiger! You like to take risks and you are a daredevil!
You also wanna have fun no matter what! Tigers are beautiful animals and very strong and brave. Nice!

  You are a parrot! You like to laugh and have a good sense of humor! You don't let even the meanest get you down! Parrots are also very intelligent and fun! Awesome!

  You are a dolphin! You are sweet, kind, and lighthearted.
You always think of others first, and you are also very fun to be around! Dolphins are super smart and helpful. Cool!

   You are a panda! You are a quite lazy, but still kind and honest! That is a wonderful thing to have! Pandas are one of the cutest animals on earth so be prepared for attention!

  You are an....... earthworm? Yep. You like to get dirty and play in mud and...........yep that's pretty much it. But earthworms do help a LOT with compost piles so yay!

  You are an Ape! You are very fiery and stubborn and want things your way all the time. But dont worry, people want to hang out with you because you are a radical person and really cool! Still, you could up your game a bit..... try doing a random act of kindness! Or.... donate to save an animal at www.worldwildlife.org
This was really fun! I hope you enjoyed this and I will be posting more very soon! Bye!

                                              I believe in hope,

                                                                    do you? 

                                                                 xoxo Clara

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Word's Sweetest Animals: Like Mother Like Daughter

                              MAMA WHALE, BABY WHALE
Mom and baby whales share a strong bond with one another. A mother humpback whale will leave Alaska and migrate 3000 miles to Hawaii, to give birth to their calves. Once their calves are born, they are raised in the warm waters of Hawaii, until they are prepared enough to migrate back to Alaska. 

Whales are one of my favorite animals because they have beautiful qualities that make them seem really magical. Have you ever heard the sound of whales sing? Its the most beautiful thing! Can you just imagine a mother and father whale teaching their young how to sing? That would be funny.... but actually, their humming noises they make underwater, are to explore their surroundings. When a male humpback whale moves someplace new, he changes his song to match those coming from nearby whales. Still, the mother whale teaches her child everything she knows. She teaches how to breach, swim, and even come up to the surface! She loves her baby, and will do anything for it. She makes sure that her calf is healthy and strong, and always by her side. I love whales!

                          TOUGH LOVE, LITERALLY

   Wait, what? A crocodile? How could they be sweet to their young? They are so ferocious!Well, surprisingly, they are one of the most loving mothers in the whole animal kingdom. Let me tell you why. Before a mother croc, lays her eggs, she will dig a whole next to a lake in the most warm areas of her habitat. Then, she will lay her eggs inside, and patch it up with dirt. Next, she will sit on the spot where she laid them, and be there night and day, stopping for short food or water breaks until they hatch. Talk about overprotective! After they hatch, she will be with them for the first year or so, teaching them how to live on their own. Let me tell you an interesting fact: Mom crocodiles, actually keep their young in their mouths for protection from predators. You must be thinking,  "She eats them??" Like I said, for protection. She doesn't eat them, she just keeps them in her mouth, so they are always with her and protected. Mother crocodiles are sweet creatures, so don't judge a book by its cover!

                        DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL

        Seahorses are beautiful creatures, and loyal too. In fact, when a female seahorse lays  eggs, she lays them in the father's pouch, to develop and hatch. He can hold up to 1,000 eggs (depending on the species) and doesn't complain.....well, he can't really complain but if he could, he probably wouldn't. Maybe, he even names them!
Can you imagine....... okay, your'e Billy, and you are, johnny....and... where's Rosie? ....... Hahahah I totally can. Seahorses are amazing creatures and..... actually, all of the creatures that I talked about are amazing! Do you want to save these super-sweet mommies and daddies? If you do, please go to www.worldwildlife.org to save and or adopt any animal you would like!

                                                             I believe in hope,

                                                                    do you?

                                                                                          xoxo Clara

Friday, December 5, 2014

Who's The Smarter Animal?


                   CHEETAH vs. JAGUAR

Welcome!!! I have a special post for all my readers!! Today we are doing something different, a game show!! Its called Who's The Smarter Animal? I will be doing it some weeks, so stay tuned! Lets get started! Okay, so we will have two contestants of each species (cheetahs and jaguars) and we will see which one is the smarter animal. This is how it works: I will ask  a question, and whoever buzzes their buzzer first, gets to answer that question, and if they get it right, they get 10 points. By the end, whoever has the most points wins.Today we have a beautiful, strong female jaguar please give it up for Diamond! We also have, Leaping the devilishly handsome cheetah! Since you cant see them, i will put what they say in colors (What Diamond says will be in pink, Leaping blue, and Me, red). 

                           ROUND 1

Welcome guys! Lets start the game, ready?


Okay, first question: What is a koala's favorite food?


Yes diamond?

Eucalyptus leaves!

That is absolutely right, but please don't eat these, they are very poisonous to humans. Actually,  koalas have a very high immune system so they CAN eat theses leaves, cool right? Okay next question: Can you tell me 3 cool things about humming birds?


What's your answer leaping?

Okay, umm..... they can flap their wings up to 70 times per second,
they see in ultraviolet light, and...oh! A hummingbird baby is the size of a penny!

Nice job Leaping!!! That is correct!10 points for each!

                      LEAPING                DIAMOND
                                        10                              10

                                   ROUND 2
Okay guys its round 2 and we are are all warmed up so..... lets ask some questions! Okay: What type of animal is the fastest in the animal kingdom?


Yes Leaping!

Duh, a cheetah.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect, the cheetah is the fastest land animal, but not the fastest in the animal kingdom. Diamond, do you know what the fastest animal is?

Yes i do, its the Peregrine falcon.

You are right! the Peregrine falcon has  a speed of 389 km/h (242 mph) while the cheetah only, speed of 96–120 km/h (60–75 mph). I'm sorry but she wins here! Okay next question: What is the kingdom and class of the kangaroo? 



The kingdom is Animalia, and the class mammalia.

That is coooooooorect!!! If you readers wanna see a funny video about kangaroos, click on the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=e96zCsY5u9w
okay now the final round!

                        LEAPING                  DIAMOND

                           10                                  30
                                     ROUND 3
Okay we are back for one more round!! With Diamond in the lead, we don't know who will end up winning. Although Leaping is quite a smart fellow, Diamond has some skills. Get ready: Why are flamingos pink?


Leaping give me your answer!

Because they eat tiny shrimp and plankton and stuff like that.

Yes!! Good job leaping! Next question: Where does the root from the word  flamingo come from?


Yes diamond?

Umm.....fla-flappy bird?

Oh sorry but that is not the right answer. Leaping, do you know what it is?

Yes i do ,the word flamingo comes from the Spanish and Latin "flamenco" which means "fire" and refers to the color of the flamingo's feathers.

Yes that was just the answer i was looking for. Perfect!

Hey! That's not fair, he is a cheater!! His mom is from Spain that's something he would know!

Your right, i am a cheetah.

No! You know what i mean!

Guys, there's no need to fight.

NO WAY he totally does not deserve this! He is despicable!

Ok diamond, you might be taking this too far....




GUYS!!!!!! STOP!!! We are NOT five year old children, we are civilized animals!

You're right.....sorry.

Me too, i shouldn't have fought.... with this BRAT!


OK ENOUGH!! Stop fighting 'cause you BOTH won!

We did? That's awesome!

Yeah cool!

Yes you did. Now apologize to the reader for being childish.

OMG so sorry, reader, this is embarrasing..... i wont happen again promise!

Ya LOL we where totally being competitive, sorry!

Hahaha yeah......well now that you have learned new facts about animals that you might not have known, we all had fun!

Yes this was fun, and if you guys want for next week,you should ask us which animals YOU would wanna see (read) play this game show!

Each animal has its own personality, so be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments! Me and Leaping will be very happy to hear about the questions we should ask to the contestants so definitely tell us!

Totally! And please help our species (even though where feisty) by visiting  www.worldwildlife.org and adopting or donating to the website.

My species too!

Ok guys, great, thanks for tuning in and be sure to come back daily to see of any updates! Leaping and Diamond are VERY excited to be the new co-hosts for next week's game show! See you next time! bye!    

                                                 I believe in hope,
                                                     do you?
                                                   xoxo Clara


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Because Slow & Steady Does Win the Race

Since when was the story of the Tortoise and the Hare not popular anymore?

If you think about it, this story is definitely really uplifting and very true. The lesson is really something valuable because it tells the reader that if you are steady and strong you certainly will win the race of life. When I first was told this story, I was like OMG THIS IS AMAZING!!!! Well......
I was only a little kid like 4 or 5 years old so I was amused easily, but ANYWAYS I thought to myself...
So what made the tortoise win the race? Duh--slow and steady wins the race (as the story goes).
But really though, what about this delicate creature made him win? Historically, the tortoise is a symbol of America, because if you really think about it, America is shaped like a tortoise.

The Native Americans actually thought of a tortoise as a symbol for USA because of their abilities, strengths, and beauty. The first thing I think of when I think about them, is that they are strong. Why though? Well I can tell you right now, they are strong because of their hard shells and tough skin but also because they  are so grounded and connected with the earth. You see, they do have something physically great about them, but also something sentimental. 
They don't just have interesting physical aspects though. Tortoises are also very shy and scared, ergo their shells. They hide under their shells because they understand that if they do so, they will be greatly protected. If you think about it, this isn't really a bad thing. You must be thinking: Well duh, Their shells are awesome!!! This is actually the point of the story. The hare tells the tortoise that he will win the race because he is much faster, and because tortoises are slow, boring, and scared. So of course a little kid would say: The hare is going to win!!! This is what people are trying to tell children, don't underestimate the power of a hard worker, and that you can accomplish anything if you put your heart to it. Slow and determined effort goes a longer way than just relying on talent. What the tortoises are telling us, is to be strong and brave, focus and never stop believing because you can do anything if you set your mind on it. They are also telling us that it is actually a strength, not a weakness, to know where your boundaries are and when to stop.
The tortoise is not just an amazing philosopher... I know that this is a good life lesson, but physically, what makes these animals so amazing?
  • They have a high shell, to protect themselves, its front limbs have sharp claws to dig underground, and its back limbs are covered in thick scales!
  • Adult desert tortoises can survive a year without water! 
  • The desert tortoise can live where ground temperatures each to 140 degrees F because of their ability to dig burrows! Now THATS IMPRESSIVE! Don't you just wish, if you could have a superpower, it would be tortoise power?
I certainly wish.
What animal power do you want to hear about? Post it in the comments! 
Anyways, back on subject, tortoises are amazing, and they have so many more abilities that I would love to share with you but, then we would be here all day! These are outstanding creatures that sadly, are starting to fall in the extinction category. Amazing people at The Turtle Conservancy are doing wonderful things to try and save them, please go to www.turtleconservancy.org to donate and save the tortoises  in this  place we call earth! Let us all live a happier life!

baby sulcata tortoise                               I believe in hope
                                      Do you?

                                     xoxo Clara

works cited:
 http://edublog.amdsb.ca/margsjy/files/2014/05/image-28695p6.jpg (map)
http://www.freewoodpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Tortoise_Hare.jpg (tortoise and hare)
http://www.sulcatatortoise.net/important-facts-baby-sulcata-tortoise/ (strawberry)

"Basic Facts About Desert Tortoises." Desert Tortoise. Defenders of Wildlife, n.d. Web.01 Dec 2014.