Friday, December 5, 2014

Who's The Smarter Animal?


                   CHEETAH vs. JAGUAR

Welcome!!! I have a special post for all my readers!! Today we are doing something different, a game show!! Its called Who's The Smarter Animal? I will be doing it some weeks, so stay tuned! Lets get started! Okay, so we will have two contestants of each species (cheetahs and jaguars) and we will see which one is the smarter animal. This is how it works: I will ask  a question, and whoever buzzes their buzzer first, gets to answer that question, and if they get it right, they get 10 points. By the end, whoever has the most points wins.Today we have a beautiful, strong female jaguar please give it up for Diamond! We also have, Leaping the devilishly handsome cheetah! Since you cant see them, i will put what they say in colors (What Diamond says will be in pink, Leaping blue, and Me, red). 

                           ROUND 1

Welcome guys! Lets start the game, ready?


Okay, first question: What is a koala's favorite food?


Yes diamond?

Eucalyptus leaves!

That is absolutely right, but please don't eat these, they are very poisonous to humans. Actually,  koalas have a very high immune system so they CAN eat theses leaves, cool right? Okay next question: Can you tell me 3 cool things about humming birds?


What's your answer leaping?

Okay, umm..... they can flap their wings up to 70 times per second,
they see in ultraviolet light, and...oh! A hummingbird baby is the size of a penny!

Nice job Leaping!!! That is correct!10 points for each!

                      LEAPING                DIAMOND
                                        10                              10

                                   ROUND 2
Okay guys its round 2 and we are are all warmed up so..... lets ask some questions! Okay: What type of animal is the fastest in the animal kingdom?


Yes Leaping!

Duh, a cheetah.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect, the cheetah is the fastest land animal, but not the fastest in the animal kingdom. Diamond, do you know what the fastest animal is?

Yes i do, its the Peregrine falcon.

You are right! the Peregrine falcon has  a speed of 389 km/h (242 mph) while the cheetah only, speed of 96–120 km/h (60–75 mph). I'm sorry but she wins here! Okay next question: What is the kingdom and class of the kangaroo? 



The kingdom is Animalia, and the class mammalia.

That is coooooooorect!!! If you readers wanna see a funny video about kangaroos, click on the link
okay now the final round!

                        LEAPING                  DIAMOND

                           10                                  30
                                     ROUND 3
Okay we are back for one more round!! With Diamond in the lead, we don't know who will end up winning. Although Leaping is quite a smart fellow, Diamond has some skills. Get ready: Why are flamingos pink?


Leaping give me your answer!

Because they eat tiny shrimp and plankton and stuff like that.

Yes!! Good job leaping! Next question: Where does the root from the word  flamingo come from?


Yes diamond?

Umm.....fla-flappy bird?

Oh sorry but that is not the right answer. Leaping, do you know what it is?

Yes i do ,the word flamingo comes from the Spanish and Latin "flamenco" which means "fire" and refers to the color of the flamingo's feathers.

Yes that was just the answer i was looking for. Perfect!

Hey! That's not fair, he is a cheater!! His mom is from Spain that's something he would know!

Your right, i am a cheetah.

No! You know what i mean!

Guys, there's no need to fight.

NO WAY he totally does not deserve this! He is despicable!

Ok diamond, you might be taking this too far....




GUYS!!!!!! STOP!!! We are NOT five year old children, we are civilized animals!

You're right.....sorry.

Me too, i shouldn't have fought.... with this BRAT!


OK ENOUGH!! Stop fighting 'cause you BOTH won!

We did? That's awesome!

Yeah cool!

Yes you did. Now apologize to the reader for being childish.

OMG so sorry, reader, this is embarrasing..... i wont happen again promise!

Ya LOL we where totally being competitive, sorry!

Hahaha yeah......well now that you have learned new facts about animals that you might not have known, we all had fun!

Yes this was fun, and if you guys want for next week,you should ask us which animals YOU would wanna see (read) play this game show!

Each animal has its own personality, so be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments! Me and Leaping will be very happy to hear about the questions we should ask to the contestants so definitely tell us!

Totally! And please help our species (even though where feisty) by visiting and adopting or donating to the website.

My species too!

Ok guys, great, thanks for tuning in and be sure to come back daily to see of any updates! Leaping and Diamond are VERY excited to be the new co-hosts for next week's game show! See you next time! bye!    

                                                 I believe in hope,
                                                     do you?
                                                   xoxo Clara


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