Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Animal personalities:


Today we are going to see which animal personality you are most like. I will ask a question, and you will keep track of your answers for the end. Okay, lets get started!

1. If a friend were to ask you, " what do you wanna do?" would you want to.....
a. go sky diving     b.  tell jokes to each other
c. Play twister        d. sleep
e. dig wholes          f. have a party

2. Okay, you just got orders to go outside and garden, what is your reaction,

a. Okay,i'm gonna go get dirty!  b. Yupity yup yup!
c. Yes!                                        d. Okay, but can I eat out there?
e. YAAAY SOIL!!!                    f. NO WAY! Too many                                                                         responsibilities 

3. You are going shopping at your favorite store, do you buy....

a. Roller blades                          b. A whoope cushion
c. A gift for your friend             d. food
e. dirt                                          f. a video game

4. What is your motto?

a. YOLO                            b. always SMILE :) 
c. live, laugh, love!            d. be kind to one another
e. always be slimy.             f. you snooze, you lose 

5. someone just said a mean comment to you. What do you say?

a. hey don't EVER say that again!   b. Hahaha.....
c. That hurt my feelings...               d. umm.... okay
e. it's okay, i have my wholes to      f. Well you smell!
           hang with!
Okay! You are done with the quiz. Scroll down to see the results!

 You are a tiger! You like to take risks and you are a daredevil!
You also wanna have fun no matter what! Tigers are beautiful animals and very strong and brave. Nice!

  You are a parrot! You like to laugh and have a good sense of humor! You don't let even the meanest get you down! Parrots are also very intelligent and fun! Awesome!

  You are a dolphin! You are sweet, kind, and lighthearted.
You always think of others first, and you are also very fun to be around! Dolphins are super smart and helpful. Cool!

   You are a panda! You are a quite lazy, but still kind and honest! That is a wonderful thing to have! Pandas are one of the cutest animals on earth so be prepared for attention!

  You are an....... earthworm? Yep. You like to get dirty and play in mud and...........yep that's pretty much it. But earthworms do help a LOT with compost piles so yay!

  You are an Ape! You are very fiery and stubborn and want things your way all the time. But dont worry, people want to hang out with you because you are a radical person and really cool! Still, you could up your game a bit..... try doing a random act of kindness! Or.... donate to save an animal at www.worldwildlife.org
This was really fun! I hope you enjoyed this and I will be posting more very soon! Bye!

                                              I believe in hope,

                                                                    do you? 

                                                                 xoxo Clara

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